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589 Pomfret Street
Pomfret, CT, 06259
United States

(860) 336 - 6668

Ayurvedic Consultations

Are you desiring to learn more about Āyurveda and how to implement it into your daily life? Consultations are a wonderful way to get to know yourself more deeply and improve your health using specific diet and lifestyle tools. 

Comprehensive Wellness Consultation (90 min) $150

Understanding your unique physical, mental and spiritual constitution is the first step in achieving optimal health. This package begins with an initial consultation, followed with a comprehensive review of examination and customized treatment plan.

  • Review of your complete health history

  • Āyurvedic examination of your pulse, tongue and face

  • Discussion of current doshic state

  • Discussion of your long-term health goals

  • Explanation of basic Āyurvedic principles in relation to your health

  • Review of Initial Assessment related to your Prakruti (constitution), Vikruti (imbalances), Ama, and Agni

  • Recommendations for diet & lifestyle, Panchakarma, therapeutic body treatments, exercise, yoga, meditation, breath practice, and herbs/oils

  • Further educational information will be provided and/or suggested during this visit

Follow up Visits (60min) $108

During these visits, there will be a review of your current daily routine, symptoms of imbalance, and new diet, daily practices, seasonal routines, therapeutic body treatments, yoga, breathing practices, aromatherapy, herbs, oils, and mantra may be discussed in these visits.